
What is a BIA?

A Business Improvement Area (BIA) consists of commercial properties and their non-residential tenants within a defined boundary. The individuals and corporations who own these commercial properties or the businesses within them make up the BIA Membership.

But What Do We Really Do?

Established in 1974, the Downtown Barrie BIA elevates the experience of Barrie’s one-of-a-kind waterfront and flourishing downtown.

We aim towards the development of a vibrant downtown core by advocating for people-focused growth to the private-sector and City Hall.

We act with intentionality to shape the downtown’s identity, organizing initiatives, events and festivals marketed to downtown residents, Barrie customers and tourists alike.

With major organizational restructuring the last few years, the Downtown Barrie BIA has streamlined its focus and purpose to deliver on investments in community, beautification, art and safety of its public spaces so we can enhance our members’ ability to deliver their customers an unrivalled experience.

Come experience it!



Heather Kennedy – Chair Blueberry Moon

Steve Ricalis – Vice Chair Donaleigh’s

Alison Oakes Oh Beehive

Christina Mancuso MacLaren Art Centre

Chris Gerrard The Queen’s Hotel

Craig Nixon Ward 2 Councillor

Janet Kemp – Past Chair

Janet Kemp Ladies Fashion


Craig Stevens Executive Director

Stacey Zubczyk Operations Manager

Board Meeting Notices

Click here for the Downtown Barrie BIA Board meeting Schedule.

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Board Meeting Minutes

Click here for previous board meeting minutes.

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Annual Reports

Click here to access Annual Reports of the Downtown Barrie BIA.

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Impact Reports

Click here to access Impact Reports for events, campaigns and initiatives.

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Official Docs

Click here to view the Downtown Barrie BIA Constitution, By-Laws, Budget, etc.

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Want your business downtown?

The Downtown Barrie BIA creates the conditions for its membership to flourish, thereby enhancing the quaity of the downtown experience for residents and tourists alike.

We support our local businesses and property owners by overseeing the improvement, beautification and maintenance of the public spaces within the BIA boundary. By hosting events and festivals that attract visitors to the downtown core, by unifying the voice of the membership and presenting it to all levels of government, and by marketing the area to draw additional positive attention and interest from the public, we make Downtown Barrie the place you want to do business.

Want your business downtown? Connect with our awesome partners below!


  • Invest Barrie
  • Small Business Centre
  • Sandbox