Meeting Notices


Board Meeting Notices

The Downtown Barrie BIA Board of Management traditionally meets on the 4th Thursday of every month; except for in August and December.

Here you will find the Downtown Barrie BIA Board meeting schedule.

For previous years’ schedules or minutes, contact [email protected]

January, 2024Thursday January 25, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
February, 2024Thursday February 22, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
March, 2024Thursday March 28, 2024 5:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
April, 2024Thursday April 25, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
May, 2024Thursday May 23, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
June, 2024Thursday June 27, 2024
5:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
July, 2024Thursday July 25, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
August, 2024No August Meeting due to Summer Recess------
September, 2024Thursday September 26, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
October, 2024Thursday October 24, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
November, 2024Thursday November 28, 20245:00 PM EST *Quorum of Board Directors required.Click HereAgenda
December, 2024Holiday Social - Date still to be determined------
***Please 'Register' prior to 4:00 PM EST on the day of scheduled meeting to view.

*The BIA Executive Team will on occasion schedule a ‘Special Meeting’ of the Board of Management, in which a minimum of 10 days’ notice will be given on this website.