Created by Clandestinos Art
Located at the Lakeshore Mews Alleyway, at 93 Dunlop Street East
This mural shows a resilient and colourful woman who lives in balance with her surrounding nature. She celebrates the many women-owned businesses in the neighbourhood and honours their feminine creative energy.
She’s paired with chimney swifts, migratory birds that return to Barrie after a long journey from places as far away as Chile and Brazil. This threatened species shelters in chimneys, enjoying the protected safety high off the ground. They remind us of our interconnectedness with nature, even in urban settings, and inspire us with their strength and spirit.
Individually known as Bruno Smoky and Shalak Attack, together the Clandestinos are dedicated to painting murals around the world by creating narratives that unify both real and imaginary dimensions. Emerging as visual artists about a decade before they met, the Clandestinos each developed their own unique artistic voice. Once they started painting together they found it difficult to stay away from each other, in art and as life partners. With time they began to fuse their artwork to create unified pieces by balancing and adding to as well as learning and growing from each other’s styles. The pair have created art around the world, receiving international recognition. After adding a third Clandestino to their crew—their daughter, Violeta—they moved to Barrie to raise their family, where they continue to create art locally and internationally. See more of their work here:
This project was brought to you by the Downtown Barrie BIA and generously supported by Pratt Homes through their Art Builds Communities partnership.
The Downtown Barrie BIA acknowledges that the Business Improvement Area is located on the traditional land of the Anishnaabeg people. The Anishnaabeg include the Odawa, Ojbwe and Pottawatomi nations, collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy. The Downtown Barrie BIA is dedicated to honoring Indigenous history and culture and committed to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation and respect with all First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.